[DEFAULT] SubnetMask = Gateway = PrimaryDNSIp = SpareDNSIp = UserName = admin Password = admin [LANGUAGE] language = 1 [UI_1] AppCaption = Device Search Tool label_LocalIP = Local IP: label_LocalPort = Port: label_LocalIPProtoVer = IP Proto Ver: button_Start = Start Search button_Stop = Stop Search button_ClearAll = Clear All label_DeviceID = Device ID: label_IPProtoVersion = IP Proto Ver: label_DeviceIP = Device IP: label_SubnetMask = Subnet Mask: label_DefaultGateway = Default Gateway: label_PreferredDNSServer = Preferred DNS Server: label_AlternateDNSServer = Alternate DNS Server: label_UserName = User Name: label_Password = Password: button_Motify = Modify listctrl_DeviceID = Device ID listctrl_DeviceIP = IP listctrl_DevicePort = Port msg_searchStartFail = Start filed! ErrorNo: msg_motifyFail = Modify Failed! ErrorNo: msg_motifySuccess = Modify success! msg_DeviceIPNull = The IP is null! msg_DeviceSubnetMaskNull = The Subnet Mask is null! msg_DeviceGatewayNull = The Default Gateway is null! msg_PrimaryDNSIpNull = The Preferred DNS Server is null! msg_SpareDNSIpNull = The Alternate DNS Server is null! radiobutton_AutoGetIp = Device obtain an IP address automatically radiobutton_UseIp = Device user the following IP address groupbox_DNS = DNS [UI_2] AppCaption = 设备搜索工具 label_LocalIP = 本机IP: label_LocalPort = 端口: label_LocalIPProtoVer = IP版本: button_Start = 开始搜索 button_Stop = 停止搜索 button_ClearAll = 清除所有 label_DeviceID = 设备ID: label_IPProtoVersion = IP版本: label_DeviceIP = 设备IP: label_SubnetMask = 子网掩码: label_DefaultGateway = 网关: label_PreferredDNSServer = 首选DNS: label_AlternateDNSServer = 备用DNS: label_UserName = 用户名: label_Password = 密码: button_Motify = 修改 listctrl_DeviceID = 设备ID listctrl_DeviceIP = IP listctrl_DevicePort = 端口 msg_searchStartFail = 开启搜索失败,错误号: msg_motifyFail = 修改失败,错误号: msg_motifySuccess = 修改成功! msg_DeviceIPNull = IP为空! msg_DeviceSubnetMaskNull = 子网掩码为空! msg_DeviceGatewayNull = 网关为空! msg_PrimaryDNSIpNull = 首选DNS为空! msg_SpareDNSIpNull = 备用DNS为空! radiobutton_AutoGetIp = 自动获取IP地址 radiobutton_UseIp = 使用下面的IP地址 groupbox_DNS = DNS